Monday, March 14, 2011

Are we talking about the same person?

"We would like your son to talk more!" We actually heard these words at Owen's preschool conference and were in shock. This is the kid who was talking in complete sentences before age two and hasn't stopped since! This is the kid who can't be quiet for more than one minute - believe me, we've tried. This is the kid who talks or sings to himself all day long. Are we really talking about the same person?

Sure enough, Owen is the classic kid who is night and day different at school than he is at home. Ron and I were both pleased (and shocked) to hear he sits nicely in group, picks up the toys (and tattles on those who don't), colors and cuts VERY nicely, can write his name, says his prayers, listens and follows directions, and is a good friend! We thought for sure, he was going to be the one to give us (and his teachers) a run for our money. He just might prove us wrong...please oh please!

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