Monday, November 1, 2010

Decorating Pumpkins

I admit it...I despise carving pumpkins! Not sure if it's the slimy insides or the tedious cutting, but it's not my favorite thing to do! So instead, I buy these cute little dealy boppers (yes, I know a real official name) you just push in. The boys still had a lot of fun and we didn't have nearly the mess!

Mason's started out looking cute, but he was going for a scary monster, so with a little help of some markers...
he achieved SCARY!

I think Connor was going for hair. You know, bushy eyebrows, mustache, etc...

and he ended up with CUTE (and maybe a little on the odd side)!

Owen, being Owen, just wanted to stick as many "things" into his pumpkin as possible!

I think it ended up part witch, part Mr. Potato Head!

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